Friday, November 16, 2007

Synergy Ministries Commissions New Logo and Corporate ID System from Rotolo Media

Synergy is a Christian Counseling and Educational ministry specializing in facilitating and improving the dynamics of social communities which are engaged in goal-oriented activities. To put it simply the goal of Synergy’s work and education is to see groups relating and working together at their maximum potential. Synergy, came to Rotolo Media for a new logo and corporate ID system which would communicate their ideals.

The idea of incorporating hands into the logo was discussed as one goal in the design of Synergy's ID. We were pleased to be able to deliver on Synergy's desire. By using stylized iconic hands in such a way as to communicate the coming together of individuals in partnership we created both a logo as well as the "S" of Synergy in their wordmark; a kind of logo within a logo. The Synergy hands logo will be used on its own as in the examples below of the watermark effect in the banner and business card and will with proper branding efforts no doubt come to be recognized apart from the wordmark.

Look for a website and other newmedia projects to follow as Synergy has expressed their strong desire to commission further design work from Rotolo Media.

Posted By: Michael Rotolo President of Rotolo Media

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