Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick,NY dis-fellowshipped by Grace Gospel Church of Patchogue, NY due to Michael Gaydosh 's lack of Repentance and Sin against GGC's Pastor

 This is an excerpt from an email I sent Michael Gaydosh that can be read in it's entirety here:
Gaydosh contacts me.

Do you think you can really get away with pretending that eight months of examination by an impartial third-party Christian pastor through the arbitration process did not actually happen? That you were not found to have acted with hard-hearted disregard in numerous ways and by numerous actions purposed to cause me damage and hurt? That the elder board of Grace Gospel Church of Patchogue did not have to officially rebuke you and your elder board by letter and to disfellowship themselves from you and Grace Reformed Baptist Church in any Christian fellowship/association because of your lack of repentance for what you did towards me, your lack of honoring your pledge to be bound by the findings of the arbitrator and his prescriptions for reconciliation and then for your acts of slander to discredit Pastor Carrino after he found in favor of me and not you?

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