Michael Gaydosh, John Herringer and Scott Syracuse members of the Board of Directors of Calvary Press and/or Trustees/Elders of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick, New York, (the corporate owner) of Calvary Press were all exposed as unfit to remain in office and subsequently removed from their respective positions over the few years following Michael Rotolo's departure in July 1998. To the best of our knowledge none of these men are any longer employed in full-time pastoral ministry.
John Herringer and Scott Syracuse were each relieved of duties for what can be charitably summarized as general incompetence.
More greviously, Mike Gaydosh was forced out of the pastorate due to a serious moral failure and shortly thereafter moved his family to Alabama. Ironically he continues unabated in the Christian publishing industry at Solid Ground Books, a company he began and owns, and it has recently come to light that he has in recent years begun to insinuate himself back into part-time ministry at his local church, at least in a position of preaching/teaching.
Although these men escaped what should have been the due consequences, ecclesiastically or otherwise, for their respective corruption regarding the mismanagement at Calvary Press during and after the tenure of Michael Rotolo as Executive Director, Mr. Rotolo nonetheless feels a tangible sense of vindication for the years in which he sought to expose the malfeasance of these men but was vilified as a liar and a troublemaker. It turns out that time was on his side and that it was inevitable that eventually the brazen disregard for properly managing a Christian organization by consistently violating ethical standards would become exposed and the defective moral character of Michael Gaydosh the Lord was pleased to reveal to all in a way that he could not hide it.
There is also a lengthy document The Findings of Arbitration between Michael Rotolo and Calvary Press/Grace Gospel Church, which details the fact that Michael Gaydosh and John Herringer violated their pastoral duties and falsely accused Michael Rotolo of performance deficiencies with respect to his job performance as Executive Director of Calvary Press in order to justify there desire to discharge him from that position. Furthermore, it was determined during the arbitration investigation that the Pastors Gaydosh and Herringer purposely made whatever attempts possible to slander Mr. Rotolo while also preventing him from communicating his proofs of malfeasance by them to the deacon board as well as the congregation. In short they engineered a cover-up of their misdeeds and unethical behaviors, including financial impropriety on the part of Michael Gaydosh. The arbitrator found that in lieu of the misconduct toward Mr. Rotolo the ministry be directed to award him a significant financial restitution. This directive, although it was agreed by both parties that they would be bound by the arbitration, was ignored by Michael Gaydosh, John Herringer and Scott Syracuse (the elders of Grace Gospel Church of Merrick, NY) and instead they began to circulate rumors regarding the character of the church at which the arbitrator was also a Pastor in an effort to discredit the arbitration process and official findings.
Any questions or requests for supporting documentation regarding the corruption that occurred at Calvary Press, including that perpetrated under the directorship and with the explicit knowledge and cooperation of Joseph M. Bianchi, a man surreptitiously infiltrated into Calvary Press to continue the corruption that was ongoing by Michael Gaydosh and John Herringer, can be addressed to Michael Rotolo through this website.
Michael Rotolo is still working on a book that will detail the full story of the fall of the ministry of Calvary Press. It will detail the corrupt management of Michael Gaydosh, including his financial misconduct and backroom deals with well known Christian book authors such as Tedd Tripp of Shepherd Press. It will include the full text of the The Findings of Arbitration between Michael Rotolo and Calvary Press/Grace Gospel Church of Merrick, NY in which the arbitrator found in full support of Michael Rotolo and detailed myriad points of managerial misconduct on the part of Michael Gaydosh, John Herringer, and Scott Syracuse and which binding arbitration ordered a large financial restitution to be paid to Mr. Rotolo for damages he suffered at their hands. A chapter will be dedicated to the corruption within ARBCA, the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches, under the leadership of Earl M. Blackburn, Pastor of Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in La Mirada, CA, who sought in the same way that Catholic Bishops often conspire to cover up the malfeasance of Priests, to cover-up the misdeeds of Michael Gaydosh and spare him from an inquiry within the ARBCA organization. An association of Reformed Baptist Churches, whose charter ironically stated that one of its chief reasons for existing was to mediate/arbitrate matters within or between churches or members of churches in cases where reconciliation had failed to be reached at the local level. This matter between Michael Rotolo and Calvary Press was the first case to be presented to ARBCA for intervention and the chief players within the organization, among them most culpable, Earl M. Blackburn, used their positions at ARBCA to literally squash the investigation that had begun by ARBCA once they determined that Michael Gaydosh, who had politicked tirelessly for the formation of the association, had in fact acted improperly with respect to Calvary Press and the fabrication of charges against Michael Rotolo in an attempt to silence his efforts at bringing Gaydosh's unethical deeds to light.
Look for more to follow on the history of this matter.
keywords: Mike Gaydosh, Michael Gaydosh, John Herringer, Scott Syracuse, Earl Blackburn, Earl M. Blackburn, Tedd Tripp, ARBCA, corruption,
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