Sunday, September 28, 2008

Michael Gaydosh Removed from Position as Senior Pastor of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick, NY

Michael Gaydosh, John Herringer and Scott Syracuse all members of the Board of Directors of Calvary Press and Elders of Grace Reformed Baptist Church of Merrick, New York, the corporate owner of Calvary Press were each successively exposed as unfit to remain in each of their respective church positions and subsequently removed from their offices over the few years following Michael Rotolo's departure in July 1998. To this day none are employed in full-time pastoral ministry.

Most grievously, Mike Gaydosh was made to resign his position as Senior Pastor/Elder due to a serious moral failure by which he revealed himself to be biblically and morally unfit for service as a pastor. His sin of carrying on an illicit relationship with a young girl on his daughter's basketball team, while in the position as coach of the team, is of the nature that would prohibit his future resuming of an elder/Pastor office in countless church denominations, regardless of any ostensible repentance.

Bearing that in mind, it has come to my attention that he has been or is currently seeking to resume an office of ministry at his local church.

John Herringer and Scott Syracuse were essentially encouraged to resign for what can be charitably summarized as a general lack of confidence in their abilities to rule well.


NOTE: Due to the increased interest of late regarding the details of Gaydosh's malfeasance and his renewed pursuit/interest in resuming a position in church ministry I would encourage you to contact me to discuss the issue. I have definite and specific reasons for advising against: enabling, voting for, or in any other way aiding this unrepentant man toward resuming such a position. The details of his unrepented-of sins are truly disturbing. Any proper vetting process or background check (almost mandatory today for those in ministry) should necessarily include a record of these events and misdeeds.

Additional history here:

and here


  1. If I am not mistaken, he was always present at ARBC general assemblies, having a book sales table. If this is the same fellow then it is another indicator that ARBCA power brokers tolerated evil, minimizing it, and failing to let the rest of us know this guy's background. Nothing was ever said to us when we joined ARBCA. That organization had and has plenty of dark secrets and skeletons in closets.

    1. Yes. You have the right person in mind. And, Yes, the power brokers, especially Earl Blackburn and Steve Martin were well aware of the serious charges against Gaydosh but helped him skate. This is a corrupt organization from its founding in 1997 and I have the evidence to prove it.

  2. The Reformed Baptists in general tend to cover up sin and ungodly behavior in it's more renown and influential preachers as well. Al Martin immediately comes to mind. This is what happens when Gods people are not fully engaged in their Church organization and leave matters in the hands of their Elders. Elders in these Churches use their rule to keep distance and real interaction between themselves and their flock so that their sin and or bad behavior cannot be scrutinized by anyone other than themselves.

  3. Was there ever a time where Gaydosh publically repented? At any rate this disqualifies him from ever becoming a Overseerer in any solid Church. He may,if there was true repentance, be regarded as a Brother but certainly not as a Pastor. For such a wicked relationship to have taken place as that is there must have been quite a bit of seduction and manipulation. Was the girl under 18 at the time of this? Moving away and trying to begin a new life does not alleviate the issue of being unqualified to enter into ministry as one who cannot be blameless. Islam 51 does not override the Pastoral qualifications God has set forth as the ironclad rule for His Churches. I am sad to hear of this as I always thought very highly of Mike. What a horrible testimony when you really consider the nature and circumstances of such a great sin! That is what I consider to be predatory and not a spontaneous act of momentary weakness. If true of course.

  4. That was Psalm 51 not Islam. Darn auto correct.

  5. I have know Gaydosh since 1993 and he did repent repeatedly my friends and the reason you don't know about it is because Mr. Rotolo is a bitter man because he was excommunicated from the church for wrong behavior which he NEVER repented of and that was why this happen to him. Mike Gaydosh made a mistake and has repeatedly repented of it many times. For the record this so called affair consisted of one kiss, one time! You have a vendetta against himand you're the one who should repent for how you have slander him for all these years. I will keep praying for you my friend. I was a member of Grace and am still a member of Hope Reformed Baptist Church where we witnessed Gaydosh's repeated repentance.

    1. Hey coward! Let us all know when you can prove what you allege and have the courage to post in your name.

    2. I could easily simply delete your comment... but I'd like to see if you have the guts to back up what you say and reveal your name. You're nothing but a weak-minded sycophant of Gaydosh's-- and from the sound of it were probably there when he was doing the things he needed to "repent of" once he was caught that is! People like you are part of the problem because you're so far up these corrupt wolves-in-sheep's-clothing's alimentary canals prostrating in hero-worship that you would never take the allegations of a fellow saint seriously if it tarnished your deluded worldview of how holy your pastor is.


  7. Read my comment to the anonymous coward who commented above on April 15 2020, here:
