Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A.R.B.C.A. the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America changes its name to C.B.A.

   It's interesting that ARBCA is no more. Yes, I know, I'm late to the party and this happened a while ago but still I couldn't help but take a quick look into the new organization.

You can take a look here:

Why the name change?

It's interesting to note that one key reason given for the name change was a simultaneous reorganization structurally. While I applaud at face value such statements as:

"...we recognized that our former structure allowed for the possibility of individual men or committees to have an oversized impact on the overall association, and potentially without the full knowledge or consent of the member churches. So we began what would become a two year process of creating an entirely new organizational structure, including new Bylaws and policies." still, that alone doesn't necessarily prompt a name change-- does it? My guess, and I don't want to be interpreted as maligning this new organization with whom I have no experience or dealing with, is that a big part of the decision was to distance themselves from ARBCA because of the corruption that was so rife within it. Just do your own google search and see what a little sleuthing will uncover if you don't want to take my word for it, which you shouldn't). Maybe start here: Michael Gaydosh: A Shady Character

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