Friday, November 23, 2007

Rotolo Media Performs Direct Mail Campaign for Arthur Murray Dance Studios

Jennifer and Victor Holguin are good friends with Michael Rotolo and owners of the Arthur Murray Dance Studios franchise of Southampton, New York, playground to the rich and famous.
The Holguins approached Michael to conduct a direct mail campaign to take advantage of the upsurge in interest in dance after the appearance of television shows Dancing With Stars and So You Think You Can Dance, and movies like Strictly Ballroom.

We decided to go with a larger than standard postcard that would stand out among the mail better. We saved money by using stock photography that is supplied to the franchise by Arthur Murray Inc. corporate as part of the franchise package. By making the card itself a coupon for 2 free private dance lessons we monetized the piece with value beyond just an info piece of “junk mail” and gave people a reason to hold on to it. Rotolo Media also oversaw the mailing by contracting one of our affiliate mailing houses to label and mail each piece and comply the mailing as CASS sorted and certified to further save both postage costs and time through the mail system.

If you’re in the Southampton vicinity Jennifer and Victor would welcome you to stop by the studio and see what fun you can have through Arthur Murray Dance lessons. Contact them through

Posted By: Michael Rotolo President of Rotolo Media

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